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New York Times Beef and Brocooli

Food | What to Cook This Weekend

What to Cook

Beef and broccoli.

Credit... Gentl and Hyers for The New York Times. Food stylist: Maggie Ruggiero. Prop stylist: Rebecca Bartoshesky.

Good morning. I wrote about beef and broccoli for The Times this week, that great Chinese-restaurant menu war horse. And, thanks to the chef Jonathan Wu, with an assist from the chef Dale Talde, I managed to put together a beef and broccoli recipe (above) that I think could become a regular part of your weeknight dinner rotation. It is ridiculously good.

The recipe calls for chuck beef, though you could make it with rib steak or brisket if you had any to hand. You could make it with venison. Up in Shishmaref, Alaska, you might make it with caribou or musk ox. Firm tofu is an excellent substitute for beef, as are chunks of boneless, skinless chicken thigh. You could even boil some small potatoes in water, rice wine and a little soy sauce, dry them off and smash them lightly before tossing them in the wok to crisp and then take up the sauce and have a delicious meal. Beef and broccoli is enormously adaptable. It is never not good.

Give that a shot tonight or Saturday, so you start dialing in on the recipe. Practice works in cooking same as in golf and on the xylophone. Put your time in now, and you'll be able to work fast on a Wednesday night.

Passover ends this weekend and, as our colleague Ron Lieber reports, that's cause for leavened excitement among those who have observed the holiday: pizzas and brownies and bagels after days of avoiding rising foods in a nod to ancestors who had no time to let bread dough rise while fleeing Egypt. Ron's story is about a delicious ritual for Moroccan Jews that follows Passover's end, Mimouna, a party in which the centerpiece is moufleta, a pan-cooked cake smeared with butter and honey. Whatever your faith, I think you should give moufleta a try.

Also! I'd like to make a big pot of chicken and dumplings this weekend. And another of roasted carrot and red lentil ragout. I think salted tahini and chocolate chip cookies would be a good thing to bake on Sunday afternoon. And I believe weekend's end ought to coincide with a giant tray of enchiladas con carne. Could you fit a wheel of Melissa Clark's baked Brie into the weekend proceedings? Here's hoping.

There are a ridiculous number of good things to cook this weekend available to you on NYT Cooking. Just sign up for a subscription to access them. (Or give someone a gift subscription, so they can.) Then cook! And show us your work, in pictures and words. We'll be hanging around the hashtags on Instagram all weekend, and monitoring comments on Facebook, and just generally Twittering about food.

We'll be standing by to help if anything goes wrong, either with your cooking or our technology. Just write: We'll get back to you.

Now, some distance from our stovetop and refrigerator crisper, I think you should read this fascinating NPR story about right whales and the lobster fisheries of Maine and the Canadian Maritimes.

Action Bronson's new recipe for a butcher sandwich has some vulgarities in it because it's on Vice, but I think it could make a very good sandwich. (Parts of it reminded me of the sandwich king Tyler Kord's old recipe for new-style Russian dressing, made with grape jelly and mayonnaise, which he served with fried clams. You can read about that in Kord's aptly named book, "A Super-Upsetting Cookbook About Sandwiches.")

There are some incredible photographs in the current issue of The Surfer's Journal.

And some very good reporting in this Tampa Bay Times report on the cost of baby diapers, which makes for a struggle for roughly a third of American families.

So get reading, and then get cooking. Have a great weekend. See you on Sunday.


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